Tuesday, January 13, 2009


My research for my book "The Magic of Minerals in Crystal Healing" is based on well established acceptance of mineral nutrition. As a naturopathic herbalist and graduate gemmologist, I found myself in a unique postition to pull the information together. Minerals do heal. This book will assist you to find the correct minerals and crystals to bring you better health. Let me share with you the knowledge to improve your health. WARNING - The Magic of Minerals in Crystal Healing will change how you view crystals, minerals and your own health needs. CRYSTAL HEALING, FACT OR FICTION? This book is the result of thorough research into the well known and accepted healing properties of nutrition. You will have a greater understanding of what you need for your health. finding the minerals your body needs to heal itself, and the corresponding crystals/stones to provide them. The fabulous bonus is that you can adorn yourself with the stone/s and absorb a wonderful blend of healing minerals to... ENHANCE YOUR LIFE. Jeanette Stein © 2009

Please feel free to contact me through the email link on my profile page, I look forward to hearing from you।

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