Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Magic of MInerals in Crystal Healing - sugilite

This monday 16th January The Magic of Minerals in Crystal Healing will be finished at the printers. It will then be couriered to me for distribution to you.
This book contains my research from the last (more than) 2 years. I have combined my education in natural medicine and gemmology to look at the nutritional properties of each mineral within a crystal and correlate it with the healing properties of the crystal. The results are quite exciting. I have done this research on the premise that we need minerals for our health and without them we become sick or die. We must have them in correct balance. We absorb through the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. My book explains simply what the minerals do for our health so that we can understand better which crystals may help us and why. It is a reference book for crystals and minerals. It puts in your hands an ability to help your health and your loved ones. This book is valued at $47AUD + postage. An investment in your health now and in the future.
I'm proud to say this book has been written, edited and printed in Australia.

I've been asked to offer some information on crystals and what they do, so here is some information on a gorgeous stone named sugilite.

Sugilite is a most beautiful and spiritual stone.

It is referred to as a major love stone representing spiritual love and wisdom.

It reminds you to be honest and true to yourself and follow your own path. It is protective to the soul and encourages the letting go of negativity within oneself. Sugilite helps grow a knowing of things related to self and surroundings, both (perceived) good and bad. It is grounding and yet spiritual and seems to lend a freeness to one's spirit.

Sugilite has been used to help people with disorders such as autism, paranoia, mood disorders, stress, anxiety and schizophrenia. It is a pain reliever and supports the whole nervous system, the digestive system, calcium metabolism and assists correct fluid balance within and around the cells.

It is useful in its assistance to eliminate toxins and wastes from the body.

Sugilite is potassium sodium iron manganese aluminium lithium silicate, a bounty of minerals.

An absolutely gorgeous stone.

You will find this necklace listed at

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